Kyrgyzstan is no longer needed torpedos for the Navy

Kyrgyzstan is no longer needed torpedos  for the Navy

02.07.2013 IA REX
On the last day of work before the holidays, June 27, the Kyrgyz parliament supported the draft resolution by which proposed to auction the shares of “Dastan Transnational Corporation” (TNK Dastan). Participation of Russian structures in these auctions will be welcomed.

  The main part of the plant is powerful high-speed underwater torpedoes “Shkval”, capable of operating at depths of up to 700 meters (environmental conditions of Lake Issyk-Kul, as close as possible to the technical conditions for the testing of this product.) A natural monopoly buyer of torpedoes has been and remains Russia, and the investigation of criminal attempt to sell torpedoes to Iran is still not completed.